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Person of contact

Alison Hamoir
Phone: 32-(0)81620481
Email: alison.hamoir@certisys.eu

Contact details

Rue Joseph Bouche, 57 Bte 3
Phone: +3281600377
Fax :32-(0)81600313
Website: www.certisys.eu

company profile

New products and innovations

Certisys makes it a point of honour to offer a quality service to its operators. The controllers are local and know the specificities of their region. Certisys provides the knowledge and tools that enable farmers to offer healthy products, for both man and nature. Since 2019, Certisys has been in partnership with an organization specialized in Vegaplan and GLOBALG.A.P. certification.

Activities, products and brands

Certisys is the first specialised inspection and certification body for organic products (BE-BIO-01) in Belgium. Active since the early 1980s, the SME has taken up the challenge of reliable and credible control and certification of organic farming. Today, Certisys controls & certifies more than 3,000 organic operators, remaining faithful to its convictions: 100% organic, independent & Belgian.


On average, Certisys checks each operator twice a year. Controllers collect the necessary information to assess the conformity of the product with the standard. The decision is then made by the Certification Department.