Ingredients and Food Supplements

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Person of contact

Katrien Lambeens
Chief Commercial Officer
Phone: 32-(0)474823683

Contact details

Place d'Escanaffles, 23
Phone: 32-(0)23185452
Fax :32-(0)23321611

company profile


HACCP, GMP Feed, ISO 22000: 2005, FSSC 22000.

Our products are kosher and halal certified and do not contain GMOs.

Main references

Coca-Cola, Kerry, Puratos, Unilever,…

Product range - Services / Brands / Markets

Galactic is one of the world's leading producers of lactic acid and its derivatives, for over 30 years. Using a non-GMO sugar and micro-organism fermentation process, Galactic is proud to develop a wide range of antimicrobials and natural ingredients, all aimed at food and non-food producers.


Galactic produces and markets lactic acid and lactic acid derivatives. Its range includes

- natural food preservatives (flavors, vinegars, ferments, etc.) 

- traditional and natural antimicrobials 

- natural lactates and other specialties (calcium lactate, ethyl lactate, powdered lactic acid...) 

- different grades of lactic acid


Lactic acid and its derivatives are mainly used in the food industry (preservation, mineral enrichment, acidulant, pH regulator, product shelf-life extension, etc.), as well as in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical (dietary supplements) and cosmetics industries, and in numerous industrial applications (solvents, paints, etc.).

Added Value

Galactic employs a diversified research team of some 30 people specialized in chemistry and biochemistry. This multidisciplinary approach enables Galactic to develop solutions tailored to its customers' needs.


Galactic adheres to the concept of “green chemistry”, a chemistry that ensures the planet's economic, social and environmental balance, with a view to sustainable development. Encouraged by the increasing scarcity of oil resources, it has become a priority area of research for the creation of alternative, 100% natural solutions based on lactic acid. These solutions are equal in performance and respect for the environment.

Company history

Galactic is a subsidiary of the Finasucre group, founded in 1994. A leading supplier in the global lactic acid and lactates market with production units in the USA (Milwaukee), China (Shanghai) and Europe (Belgium), Galactic exports to over 65 countries worldwide.