Beers and spirits with character

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Person of contact

Louis-Marie KEMP
Phone: 32-(0)61658595

Contact details

Rue de l'Hydrion, 115 A
6700 ARLON
Phone: 32-(0)61658595
Fax :32-(0)61315277

company profile

New products and innovations

Over the years the company Arel Maitrank has produced several versions of its traditional Maitrank RIDREMONT, Following the same recipe, eplaced the white wine with rosé wine togive the RIDREMONT ROSE, A few years ago, the Maitrank Ridremont experienced a sparkling version to become the RIDREMOONT SPARKLING, a sparkling dry that develops fine bubbles, In 2018 Arel Maitrank has produced the first fully organic Maitrank controlled by Certisys, All ingredients are of biological origin.

Activities, products and brands

The company produces Maitrank (drink of May), The Maitrank RIDREMONT is a drink aperitif produced of artisanal way in the south of Belgium, one obtains it by maceration of odorless woodruff ( a plant vey widespread in the haitraies of the country of Arlon in dry white wine, according to the recipes, sugar, cognac, oranges and often other alcohols, Titrant 12° alcohol, Maitrank RIDREMONT is eaten very fresh whith a slice of orange, Its conservation is more or less two years in closed bottles.


