Beers and spirits with character


Person of contact

Phone: 32-(0)494260486

Contact details

Rue large voie, 15
Phone: 32-(0)42782191
Fax :32-(0)

company profile


We make our own quality controls and let our products regularly analysed by the following laboratories : AGROLAB and Institut MEURICE

Product range - Services / Brands / Markets

LAGER BEER : Brewed with malted barley and wheat, it is a fair or white beer served with dregs. Fruity, average bitterness.

HONEY AMBER BEER : Amber beer, with a lot of spices (12 spices!), very appreciated by the ladies! Soft, very light bitterness

AMBER BEER : Brewed with PALE ALE malt and roasted malt. Spicy beer and long-lasting taste in the mouth. Soft, average bitterness.

WHITE BEER : Traditional white beer, very fresh, appreciated by the ladies. Light bitterness, taste of citrus fruits, to be served fresh.

DARK BEER : Brewed with PALE ALE malt and up to 30% of “toffee” malt. Tasteful beer for beer lovers. Average bitterness with tastes of malt, coffee and licorice.

BLACK BEER : Beer elaborated with 5 different malts. Appreciated for its balanced soft and spicy taste.

LIEGEOISE 1892 : Lager beer qualified as PREMIUM beer. Refreshing and tasty, lightly spiced taste. Fruity, light bitterness, to be served fresh.

Added Value

An authentic product, rich in flavors. Elaborate product from A to Z in a craft way by our own ways and our own people. The result is a very personalized beer you cannot find the specified taste in others beers.

Company history

Created in 1997 by 2 enthusiasts, this company moved in Saint-Georges in 2005. Upon the arrival of a new partner in 2013, The Brewery opted for the strategic choice to produce rich beers in a craft way insuring the quality and the authenticity of beers which aim to be the image of the regional character. His production passed from 300 HL to 900 HL within 2 years. The accent of beers La Botteresse and La Liégeoise 1892 is the wealth of the flavors.
